IMPORTANT: We at times receive requests from clients of gyms of which we have no affiliation. We are a unique, independent gym on Memorial Dr. in Atlanta, GA and NOT associated with any facility in Puerto Rico, Indiana, Riverdale, GA or any other business. Please make sure you are a member of LIV Fitness on Memorial Dr. in Atlanta as we otherwise will not be able to process your request.

If you are just not using the gym right now, no problem: you can either cancel or suspend your membership. There is no cost to either option, but there are differences in how they play out.

Not sure you want to cancel and just want to take a break?
You have the option of suspending your membership at no cost for up to 3 consecutive billing cycles once per calendar year. This will suspend your billing and gym access while keeping continuity of your membership in good standing. For flexibility, you can always reactivate sooner than you initially plan.

For this option,  CLICK HERE

If you are moving or just don’t want to use the gym anymore, you can cancel your membership with just one business day’s notice by returning your key fob and cancellation form (LINKED HERE).
Note: you can also choose to submit during STAFFED HOURS, as we have cancel forms onsite.

  • To proceed with this option, we will need to close the account.
  • You will be required to return your key fob as well as submission of a cancellation form (LINKED HERE). The key fob is important as it identifies you as one of our members (and not of a club with similar name) as well as your unique account. (Your name alone is not sufficient as some of our members have the exact same name.)
  • There is no cancellation fee, however if you decide to rejoin at a later time, you might be rejoining at a higher rate than you currently have (current rate is $49/month) and a reenrollment fee may apply.
  • Note: A cancellation request is a one business day’s notice. Most often we process cancellations the same day, but to avoid a final billing, we request you return this form with your membership key fob to our facility no less than one business day prior to your auto-billing date. You may return this form and your membership key fob via postal mail, personal delivery to a LIV Fitness staff member, or drop into our mailbox within a sealed envelope. If LIV Fitness does not receive your cancellation request and key fob within one business day prior to your auto-billing date, there is a possibility you will be billed one final time.